We need to implement a solution in half the time, for half the cost-that fits our business for longevity

We partnered with a successful platform that guarantees our needs


SHASTHA Systems and Solutions is a Bangalore-based IT service and solutions provider. It was established in January 2012 and registered as a private limited company in India in April of 2013. SHASTHA provides services in the area of Software - Application Development, Application Integration, Application Modernization, Technology Consulting, IT Strategic Consulting, Digitization Services, etc. They have a wide range of working experience with numerous cloud vendors, have the expertise to help customers optimize their deployments, and have experienced DevOps practitioners within the organization that can help organizations to automate the ongoing management of their infrastructure. They also have deep technology experience integrating cloud platforms and technologies.

    “We specializing on data engineering, integration, science and streaming technologies and platforms .SHASTHA has the competency around various data ecosystem starting from traditional database to ETL to Cloud-Data Mesh. We help organizations to leverage full potential of the data through its engineering, integration, science and real-time streaming”.

      “We excel at digital product engineering. We solve complex business challenges through agility and innovation. We call it interpreting digitally. We also help your organisation avoid the pitfalls associated with adopting a cloud-first approach to delivery, ” says the general manager of SSS.


        The page's load time increases due to the large number of images or multimedia content, making it difficult to add additional features or functionality. It also presents a challenge to display all the necessary information on a single page.


          With the help of SKARTIO, SHASTHA launched a multiple-page business site in a shorter time frame, it allows them to organize content into different sections and pages, making it easier for visitors to navigate and find the information they need.

            Skartio Marketplace

            We follow SKARTIO for a number of beneficial factors, such as

            • Better organization and navigation
            • Improved search engine optimization
            • Enhanced user experience
            • Greater flexibility


            Because of SKARTIO's user-friendly design, the team was able to start using the platform independently without any assistance, and complex processes were eased by the platform. So, production increased dramatically. Our new website allows our business to be visible to potential customers and clients 24/7, giving you a wider reach than traditional advertising methods.